Geek Junk – The musings of just another Geek and his Junk

Random Futurama Quote

Announcer: It is my pleasure to introduce the host of the Kyoto Global Warming Conventions, the Inventor of the Environment, and first Emperor of the Moon, Al Gore!

Home Wireless Networking: Router Placement Guide

28.02.2009 (6:51 pm) – Filed under: How To Guides

Using wireless in your home is as easy as going out to a store, buying a wireless router, and hooking it in to your internet providers connection. However, a careless approach can backfire and lead to both slower connections, or dead zones in the house that could be easily remedied with the careful selection of the placement of one’s wireless router. more »

The Spread of Information:

19.02.2009 (12:13 pm) – Filed under: Geek Blog

artrecoverygov1 The Spread of Information: Recovery.govWith great fanfare the much touted and discussed bailout has passed through the United States Congress. Despite the calls for bi-partisanship this measure was passed almost entirely on party lines. A shame that highlights a deep rooted problem in the United States, but that is a discussion for another time. Rather I want to talk about the innovation that President Obama is pushing, in terms of unifying government and technology to help spread information and allow people to see directly how their government works. more »

Greenbox Spotlight

17.02.2009 (3:43 pm) – Filed under: Reviews

greenbox hor color Greenbox SpotlightThere is a new technology when it comes to our energy systems; it is called The Greenbox Technology. What the company is doing is creating a one of a kind interactive energy management system that will allow all homes to be able to save money as well as lower their carbon footprint. With energy costs rising and global warming a reality, we need to do out part to help ensure the energy needs of the people in the world. more »

Verizon Hub Phone Spotlight

17.02.2009 (3:21 pm) – Filed under: Reviews

verizonhub 300x183 Verizon Hub Phone SpotlightEver wondered if you could take all the best features of your cell phone, and the reliable low cost benefits of a landline and roll them all into one? Wonder no longer, Verizon’s new Hub Phone is finally going to be seeing the light of day and will soon find itself integrated into home networks and communications systems. more »

P3 Kill A Watt Review

16.02.2009 (3:49 pm) – Filed under: Reviews

kill a watt meter 183x300 P3 Kill A Watt ReviewTimes are tough and our electric bills are outstanding. What can we do to lower the monthly cost of the electric bill? Some people turn off everything they can in hopes of seeing just a small drop in their electric bills the following month. We never really take into account how much each electrical product in out home gives off.

For example, electric companies base their calculation on wattage and price of per kilowatt. So why not test the items in your home and see how much your bills may be. In order to do this you will need a P3 Kill A Watt Electricity Load Meter and Monitor. more »

Roses Are #FF0000

14.02.2009 (10:48 am) – Filed under: Geek Blog

roses are #FF0000
violets are #0000FF
all my base
are belong to you
more »

HP Deskjet D1530 Review

13.02.2009 (9:36 am) – Filed under: Reviews

hp deskjet d1530 HP Deskjet D1530 ReviewHP Deskjet D1530

Hewlett-Packard’s Deskjet D1530, is a low end personal printer that often gets bundled with their Slimline series of products. Despite being on the lower scale of home printers currently available for people who do not print too often and need a quick easy solution the D1530 is a decent fit. This would not however be a good printer for either someone who prints a lot, or needs a rich set of features. more »

Linksys WMP300N Wireless Adapter Review

12.02.2009 (5:52 pm) – Filed under: Reviews

linksys wmp300n wireless adapter Linksys WMP300N Wireless Adapter ReviewLinksys WMP300N Wireless Adapter

The Linksys WMP300N is an internal PCI wireless card for a desktop computer. Designed to provide high speed wireless access to your desktop, this card boasts an external antenna that can be placed anywhere around your computer to help maximize the signal reception to your computer. As part of the current draft Wireless N standard, this card takes advantage of the latest wireless technology, Multiple Input Multiple Output or MIMO. With the MIMO technology, this generation of wireless can achieve speeds more than doubling the current rates found with Wireless G. However, it is also backwards compatible with Wireless G allowing you to receive and maximize on connections from an older router better than with a Wireless G alternative. more »

Linksys WRT110 RangePlus Wireless Router Review

12.02.2009 (2:57 pm) – Filed under: Reviews

linksys wrt110 rangeplus wireless router Linksys WRT110 RangePlus Wireless Router ReviewLinksys WRT110 RangePlus Wireless Router

Linksys’ WRT110 Router, is their entry level addition to the Wireless N market. While not technically part of the Wireless N draft standard, it does use the technology behind Wireless N to provide some very solid performance well over what Wireless G is capable of. Capitalizing on the new Multiple Input Multiple Output functionality of Wireless N, this router seeks to provide home users a gateway into better connections and faster data rates. Combine that with the latest security features, interoperability with Wireless B and G, and a slick new look and you have yourself a nice starter router in the Wireless N realm. more »

Roomba or Doomba?

11.02.2009 (5:15 pm) – Filed under: Geek Blog

A recent episode of the Daily Show, featured an article about iRobot, no not the famous Issac Asimov novel, or even the disaster of a Will Smith movie they turned it into… no this iRobot belongs to the iRobot corporation. In their piece it showed how this company who made its name making automated vacuum cleaning robots, is now getting into the military market. At first glance it makes sense, why risk a human life going into a dangerous area first, when you can just send in a robot. Police have been doing it for a while only in those cases it was a remote controlled robot without any autonomy. more »