Geek Junk – The musings of just another Geek and his Junk

Random Futurama Quote

Zapp Brannigan: We need rest! The spirit is willing, but the flesh is spongy and bruised.

HP Deskjet D1530 Review

13.02.2009 (9:36 am) – Filed under: Reviews

hp deskjet d1530 HP Deskjet D1530 ReviewHP Deskjet D1530

Hewlett-Packard’s Deskjet D1530, is a low end personal printer that often gets bundled with their Slimline series of products. Despite being on the lower scale of home printers currently available for people who do not print too often and need a quick easy solution the D1530 is a decent fit. This would not however be a good printer for either someone who prints a lot, or needs a rich set of features. more »