Geek Junk – The musings of just another Geek and his Junk

Random Futurama Quote

Gypsy: My friend, you have nothing to worry about. Except a nightmarish life of unremitting horror!

New Super Mario Bros. Wii Review

09.01.2010 (7:31 pm) – Filed under: Game Reviews

new super mario bros wii 300x129 New Super Mario Bros. Wii ReviewNintendo has done it again. Going back to a formula that has worked since the creation of the Nintendo Entertainment System, Mario is once again back to rescue the Princess from the likes of Bowser. Keeping in line with the original Nintendo games, New Super Mario Bros. is a side scrolling adventure pure and simple, but that’s part of what makes it so fun. Not that games like Super Mario Galaxy aren’t great additions to the series, its fun to jump back into a modern take of an old classic. Don’t think though that the game doesn’t pack any surprises though. As usual there are a few new items, such as the propeller mushroom that gives the player a beanie hat like propeller that can launch Mario and his team high into the air, only to slowly and humorously awkwardly come back down to land. There is an option to spin quickly down as well to hit enemies below with a powerful strike. Other new items include an ice flower that allows Mario to freeze enemies into blocks and either break them, jump on them or smash them into other enemies, and a penguin suit that gives ice flower abilities as well as better traction on ice, and better swimming… just remember penguins can’t fly! more »

Two Gentlemen of Lebowski

09.01.2010 (5:40 pm) – Filed under: Geek Blog, Geek Fun

Two Gentlemen of Lebowski is a literary mash up, of the movie The Big Lebowski, a Cohen Brother classic, with the literary style of The Bard himself William Shakespeare. At first glance this might seem a little out of place, but it’s not, there’s something just a touch Geeky about rewriting a movie into Shakespeare, and I felt this was important enough to share with everyone else of the world. So sit back, enjoy, and get your dude… er knave on!

Two Gentlemen of Lebowski

People of Walmart Viral Website

03.09.2009 (9:45 pm) – Filed under: Geek Blog, Geek Fun

PeopleofWalmart logo People of Walmart Viral WebsiteCNN has an article on a a viral website titled People of Walmart. For all its wealth of information, sometimes the best thing to come out of the internet is a website like this. Seriously, its like therapy, reminding you that as weird and messed up as you are, there’s always someone out there that’s just a little more so…

CNN article

People of Walmart

Star Wars Lego Set Echo Base 7749 Review

08.08.2009 (10:50 pm) – Filed under: Geek Fun, Lego Reviews

star wars lego echo base 7749 300x300 Star Wars Lego Set Echo Base 7749 ReviewPart of the 10 year anniversary of Star Wars Lego sets, the Echo Base set fits in with any Star Wars Lego collection or is a nice set to start a new one! Echo Base is a great army building set coming with both two Hoth Rebels, plus two Snowtroopers. Round this out with a Han Solo on a Tauntaun and a nice set of fortifications this set is more than worth the modest price tag of twenty five dollars. more »

Happy Pi Approximation Day

22.07.2009 (9:05 pm) – Filed under: Geek Blog, Geek Fun

pi 300x288 Happy Pi Approximation DayAll of us here at Geek Junk, all 3.14 of us, want to wish everyone out there a Happy Pi Approximation Day! Go out and cut loose! To help with the festivities I have added a Pi Approximation Day Comic just behind the cut! more »

Geek Fun: Geocaching

13.05.2009 (6:51 pm) – Filed under: Geek Fun

GeocachingModern Day Hide and Seek

Ever wanted to combine the fun and enjoyment of being outdoors with the fun that you can get from a new tech gadget? Ever long for the days when you could search your backyard for buried treasure? If you’ve answered yes to either of these questions, its time to enter the world of Geocaching and rediscover the outdoors and have a little bit of an adventure while doing it. Geocaching is fun the whole family can enjoy as well and helps one get out and take a break from the hustle and bustle of day to day lives. more »

Star Trek Teaser 2

05.05.2009 (8:31 pm) – Filed under: Geek Fun, Movie Reviews

The second of my cousin Rebecca’s Star Trek teasers. The worst part is I have a good handful of the action figures that get shown here… though mine were much more played with… Oh boy…

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Star Trek Teaser 1

30.04.2009 (5:09 pm) – Filed under: Geek Fun, Movie Reviews

My Cousin Rebecca works out in Hollywood and gets to spend a lot of time meeting stars and going to big premiers. Anyway, in anticipation of the new Star Trek movie coming out her company is putting out their own fan made trailers to get people pumped up for the event. Here’s the first one! 

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