Geek Junk – The musings of just another Geek and his Junk

Random Futurama Quote

Zapp Brannigan: In the game of chess you can never let your adversary see your pieces.

Linksys WRT110 RangePlus Wireless Router Review

12.02.2009 (2:57 pm) – Filed under: Reviews

linksys wrt110 rangeplus wireless router Linksys WRT110 RangePlus Wireless Router ReviewLinksys WRT110 RangePlus Wireless Router

Linksys’ WRT110 Router, is their entry level addition to the Wireless N market. While not technically part of the Wireless N draft standard, it does use the technology behind Wireless N to provide some very solid performance well over what Wireless G is capable of. Capitalizing on the new Multiple Input Multiple Output functionality of Wireless N, this router seeks to provide home users a gateway into better connections and faster data rates. Combine that with the latest security features, interoperability with Wireless B and G, and a slick new look and you have yourself a nice starter router in the Wireless N realm. more »