Geek Junk – The musings of just another Geek and his Junk

Random Futurama Quote

Leela: Well, it’s a Type M planet. So it should at least have roddenberries.

Geek Junk, the musings of a self professed Geek and his Junk is a combination of my view of the world through the lens of a Geek, plus a compendium of knowledge of all things technical.

I started this site with two goals in mind. First as a place to talk and discuss the technical world, which as time is going on is really encompassing everything. Plus as a place to create a store of knowledge about anything and everything technical. A daunting task I know, especially with the way things expand and grow.

A little about me and my background, I started really getting involved in the IT world during High School by taking part in Cisco’s Network Academy program. From there it snowballed into a four year degree from RIT and now finding myself as a Network Administrator for a large rental property company with locations all across the Eastern United States.

In my spare time I enjoy Geocaching which combines the outdoor world with the tech world, playing video games, and spending time with my girlfriend. That’s right a geek with a girlfriend, there’s hope for all geeks out there. Feel free to drop a comment on the site and give me any suggestions this is currently, and will most likely always be a work in progress.