Geek Junk – The musings of just another Geek and his Junk

Random Futurama Quote

Richard Nixon’s Head: Prepare to evacuate Earth.. I mean.. New Scamedonia.

The Spread of Information:

19.02.2009 (12:13 pm) – Filed under: Geek Blog

artrecoverygov1 The Spread of Information: Recovery.govWith great fanfare the much touted and discussed bailout has passed through the United States Congress. Despite the calls for bi-partisanship this measure was passed almost entirely on party lines. A shame that highlights a deep rooted problem in the United States, but that is a discussion for another time. Rather I want to talk about the innovation that President Obama is pushing, in terms of unifying government and technology to help spread information and allow people to see directly how their government works. more »