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Bender: Save it for the cross-burning, Adolf!

Rosewill RNX-N100 Wireless Adapter Review

11.02.2009 (1:17 pm) – Filed under: Reviews

Rosewill RNX-N100Rosewill RNX-N100 Wireless Adapter

With the increased proliferation of wireless networking, it is becoming much more important to be able to connect one’s laptop, or for that matter one’s desktop into a wireless router. Add to that the increase of Wireless N adoption it is that much more important to find an easy to use, but effective solution to connecting into these networks. Enter, Rosewill’s RNX-N100. Part of their Trident X series of adapters, the N100, is a USB 2.0 adapter making it easy to use with whatever type of system you want to connect to it. The ability to connect to any type of system, desktop, laptop, slimline, shuttle, and so on, a USB based adapter provides an easy solution especially if one needs to swap it between multiple systems. more »