Geek Junk – The musings of just another Geek and his Junk

Random Futurama Quote

Bender: Somebody tried to run me over. And not with a normal hover-car. It crept along the ground on round, rubber feet, like a wolf!

Free Computer Applications

09.01.2010 (9:03 pm) – Filed under: How To Guides

While there is the old saying, you get what you pay for, the world of computer applications sometimes is a little different. There’s a fairly large community of programmers out there that produce useful applications free of charge, relying on either donations or ad revenue to help, some are released by bigger companies that offer their product up for free for personal use and charge for commercial use, and others just do it as a hobby and enjoy providing something useful to others. Whatever the reason, there are many available, and Geek Junk wants to take the time of point out a few of them for your consumption. more »