Geek Junk – The musings of just another Geek and his Junk

Random Futurama Quote

Professor Farnsworth: I’ll be the judge of who’s cool, using the coolometer!

Netflix Sorting Facility

16.04.2009 (8:36 pm) – Filed under: Geek Blog

Netflix Sorting FacilityI saw this on a friends website, and had to share. As a Netflix customer, I get my DVD’s in the mail, open them up, watch them, send them back, always cognizant that there has to be some process of sorting, packing, opening and repacking, but the sheer volume of this really doesn’t show itself till you see the magnitude of DVD’s that workers are sorting BY HAND. That’s right, the majority of the work is done by hand. Take a look at the rest of the pictures and see for yourself. Netflix Sorting Facility.